A Flower A Flower Bud Pistil Stamen T.S. of Ovary L.S. of Flower (Immature) L.S. of Flower (Mature) Jacquinia is a genus of evergreen shrubs and trees in the family Primulaceae , Twigs gray, Green leaves hard, pointed, glabrescent. Stems light gray, nearly smooth. Leaves alternate; petiole; blade, Racemes 4–30-flowered, commonly exceeding leaves. Pedicellate ; bracts lanceolate, Flowers: Sepals five, margins entire or erose; petals 5 opposite to sepals, orange yellow; stamens, 5 shorter than staminodes; staminodes oblong, apex obtuse, rounded, or truncate, Pollen grain light yellow color, free central placentation. · Research 1. The glandular trichomes in J. armillaris are reported to adapted to salt secretion, thus characterizing . as salt glands. ( de Lun...